Blackboxing - Not Publishing Public Health Planning to the Public
I wrote this on 14th November, 2022 and read it again today.
Rather than letting it rot in a folder already full of other procrastinarratives, I'll publish it here..
The precluding theme in this piece does lay context for what I've pursued doggedly since November 2022 came and went.
The theme's thesis is coalescing into a concreting of the spirit; online egregore's para-social para-governing power does evidence itself through observations on language.
Language is a virus - is less an art-pop song and more a concreted cybernetic systems theory that lately subsumes individuals to it without an individual's awareness or consent. Oftentimes that individual perceives themselves as one who's incapable of complying to any such subsuming system. Yet one, and many many more are speaking, thinking, acting and catalyzing game-theoried behaviors that were risk managed, tabletopped, wargamed and crises-simulated oh so long ago.
As Antithetical and diametrically opposed one is to sets of ideologies or those whom subsequently enact them as if it was their penultimate reason for existance - one has acted and reacted to a veritable cybercornucopia of systems in a blink of an eye, flicker of a monitor, heart beat of a pulse..
A shared belief or an aberrant individual's perception of those systems wont inoculate the many or the one; communication sciences are unleashed as more than mere tongue-spoken language, semiotics, perceptual controls, behaviors game-theoried through massive open-sourced frameworks funded by NGO's and nations ruled by crown-bearing bloodlines, who published their Roadmaps to Eternity long, long ago.
All this remains very little understood. It's actually quite chronic now, a critical stage of mortality nearing daily lives hastens in approach. You have to educate, teach, speak, inspire. Speak words of sandpaper using a manner of silk..
Educating others so they can muster & pool whatever meagre shreds of cognitive ability remains... share and help one another to survive... gather.. awaken a tribal ancestry that rejects the serpent's forked tongue and it's alluring hisses whispering digi-sweet succour. Awaken an individual's primal nature against foes through deeply suppressed formidable instincts to survive.
14th November 2022
Avuncular public health experts are asserting dominion over the majority of humankind as if we are profane masses which require a benevolent stewardship and protection. We are not profane masses, nor are we an ill-defined mass grouping known today as the public. However seeing us as such has made it easier for a class of academic experts to reclassify life and liberty as somewhat inconsequential - in their grand scheme of things.
This is insane, but it is true. They treat us like children - worse than children because you want to love and educate your children in the hope they will grow up into a world made better for them. The tyrannical Public health policies of today display none of this, meaning their policies weren't guided by paternal or maternal instincts. On that basis, I assume Public Health experts probably don't have children of their own, or don't really care about a future outside of their own.
I guess future generations would be outside of present concerns, so the future of humankind is thusly deferred for a future class of experts to deal with. This class is yet to rise into prominence but at this rate of disempowerment, rise and rule it shall. Global Health is the next plan for holding dominion over all life and unless we repudiate current Public Health policies as having no legitimacy as a system of governance, there isn’t going to be a future for future generations.
Do you doubt me? Then ask yourself this – what do your current plans for the future look like?
Public Health experts eagerly display their own ideological paradoxes while enjoying a prideful swelling of their overflowing hearts as they remain enmeshed inside comfortable positions of protected realities. Free will, education and altruism flutter away from our reach while the holders of dominion sanctimoniously boast as to how we cannot be privileged with such things. And we don’t question why it is so because we didn’t question the appearance of phrases such as Trust The Science.
I think Trust The Science is when we were first attacked by a global cognitive warfare strategem. The #plandemic was well underway but the dismantling of an individual’s ability to dissent began through the usage of language itself like a virus, spreading a contagion that removed.
How could this be possible? How could a capable and functionally aware human being be reduced into a formula where any variables entered had the probability of almost always equalling “trust.”
How indeed. Below is an excerpt from 2007 thesis ‘Chemically enhanced trust potential law enforcement and military applications for oxytocin’ by David R. Dethles, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California
The idea that our brains perform functions that we are not even aware of might come across as discomforting to some people. The prevailing perception is that humans are in complete control—that logic and reason allow humans to exercise absolute control over our own actions. However, a growing body of scientific research continues to erode this perception by uncovering the previously hidden operations that influence our behavior and provide motivations for our actions and emotions.
Not surprisingly, most research (and subsequent knowledge) about trust concentrates on the cognitive aspect of trust.
However, trust also contains a non-cognitive component. In fact, “non-cognitive trust is a common phenomenon.” 23 Non-cognitive trust can be defined as that component of trust that does not enter our conscious mind, manifested in situations where there is no active decision-making process to determine level of trust. Non-cognitive trust manifests itself in many ways. We trust that the floor will not fall out from under us when we take a step, and we trust that a chair will support our weight when we sit down. These trust scenarios are assumed. Unless we have evidence to the contrary, trust is automatic and does not breach the threshold from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind. There is evidence that non-cognitive trust even develops before cognitive trust.
Chemically enhanced trust potential law enforcement and military applications for oxytocin
Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive
David R Dethlefs
Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School
No need for dissident voices or debate to be entertained when a tipping point has been reached, forming a global consensus that will echo the hollow phrase Trust The Science!
Public Health uses Social Sciences to Avoid Ethical Responsibility
Ethical debates considering an individual's rights when exercising extraordinary public health powers is something to be considered in hindsight, regardless of any risk-benefit analysis that could be done prior. No matter how obvious any shortcomings, dangers or failures could predictably result from enactment of Public Health policies, the policy will proceed regardless.
Voices of protest are excluded from any public discourse or debate and wont form a part of Public Health Policy Recommendations. And the justifications for such an exclusion will be excused with NLP-loaded phrases such as No One Is Safe Until We Are All Safe. And in hindsight we will wonder why there was mass uncritical acceptance of such madness. And in hindsight the Public Health Experts will regret not listening to the public.
And so, revulsion of the academic field of Public Health and their Public Health Experts continues to brew in me.
We have much to learn, my brothers and sisters. And if i can assist with that, I shall be blessed!