'Doctor' Susan Oliver's Babalon Working - Hilarion, Reveal Thyself!
Gloves Off, Masks Off - The Hillarion Beast Reveals Herself
In this article, I share some background OSINT research on this literal Hilarion (look it up, the Aleister Crowley version, not Mme. Blavatsky's) and my reaction to her Babalon Working.
Earlier today, I saw some frission amongst voices inside the poorly defined "covid-19 truth community" and expressed my reaction on Celia Farber's substack article (which you can view here and my reply comment here. It's a long comment but the short of it is that I don't consider the totality of voices greater than the sum of their parts. Ergo, I don't consider one speech from any one of these voices as an immediate dismissal of credibility or worth from all their prior speeches. Whatever a "Covid-19 truth community" intends to be it wont be anything for me if voices vie for credibility and profit over truth and accountability.
Many cups of tea later, I came across this hag's video titled:
Dr John Campbell’s snide disinformation on vaccines in pregnancy
snide: adjective 1. sneering; slyly derogatory; insinuating 2. counterfeit; bogus 3. colloquial usage - mean; underhanded
I do not know who Susan Oliver is or why she has taken it upon herself to deride Dr John Campbell who has been a moderate, familiar and fairly dependable voice since early 2020.
original youtube video (via yewtu.be)Dr John Campbell’s snide disinformation on vaccines in pregnancy
I abhor her attempt at #cogwar #psyops #informationwar against Dr John Campbell and was further repulsed when she drew in Professor Norman Fenton also. Professor Norman Fenton is someone I greatly respect and I benefited from his concise, calm demeanor when explaining how the risk modelling, data capture (covid cases, vaccination roll-outs, covid vaccine injuries) & covid-related statistical analyses were expertly manipulated prior to presenting covid-19 data to the masses.
Prof. Fenton is capable and on the case though!
How dare Susan Oliver (the Hilarion and Mystery Babalon) attempt to befoul good reputations of these men: both of whom dedicated decades of their lives to their professions! Who is she is question their ethics and purpose using communication skills & language more suited for juveniles cyberbullying one another on Tiktok! What pish! What utter tosh! Gah!!!!
I do not care about her debunk, prebunk or disinformation fact-check posturing because she addresses her audience like a Kindergarten teacher would address her class. Please God - forbid Susan Oliver, the Beast of Babalon from ever snidely attaining a position as an educator of any kind!
Please ASIO or any other remaining Australian authority with any clout, morality and decency, look into Susan Oliver's sources of funding. She has quite the polished youtube channel presentation from the outset of her channel's existence.
pretty spiffy for a University of New South Wales - Sydney research associate of 'Boyer Laboratory'
Dr. Susan Oliver joined the Boyer laboratory after many years in industry, primarily in the pharmaceutical area. Her research focuses on developing functional polymeric materials and nanoparticles from both natural and synthetic products for antimicrobial, anticancer, and advanced materials applications. She also leads a team of researchers working in collaboration with an industry partner to develop nontoxic polymeric materials for use in advanced fire-retardant materials.
Please also look into her published articles, career goals and any potential transfer of technology she might have been in the vicinity of and if any of her research may have breached regulatory guidelines in place (such as those set by the OGTR, Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator).
I had a brief look into her co-authored articles: 6th author on this one...
She likes graphene and working with Chinese scientists on graphene and nano-related research. Might be nothing, or it might be something like it was with Dr Charles Leiber? Who knows, I don't.
above infographic courtesy of ICENI Bulletins
It's not a good idea to read the comments section if you are easily triggered but there's some gooders on Hilarion's latest video... It's not a good idea to get emotionally invested by a back and forth ping-pong of contentious voices and personalities all vying for attention.
Take what you need, give what you think others will value and benefit from, then move on. Focus on what your goals are: it's painfully apparent that; #cogwar, #psyops, #informationwar a.ka. cogntive warfare, psychological operations, informational warfare via "nudge units" and the like are now in full swing. Tell the #WEF's online disinfo units and scripted fact-checking peons to go fuck themselves :-)
Dr John Campbell has responded to Susan Oliver's latest video below.
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I wonder if the UNSW Sydney received Gates Foundation funding for development of superjabs via the "Boyer" Research Lab that Susan works in.
this article has been archived with Susie Babalon Beast's video on the #HIVE blockchain