I'm doubting my ability to reintegrate back into 'society.'
I'm taking society’s fluoride stare, it’s ennui doublethink as an affront to my sense of well-being. Personally, I’m paranoid.
The conversations I've held with people recently are few and far between. My continued existence is a thorn: I am a third wheel to their societal 'new normals'
I've lost everything and been told that it's OK for me to "make that choice" because my 'everything' being lost only affected me.
Yet in real life I've lost nothing. I've reserved and saved myself. Still, I inch towards despair at realizing this. What has real life become for me to assign minimal value to it?
Perhaps if we find ourselves once more as the first to approach raw, honest conversations regarding grief, trauma, anger... Something will come of it. People that are willing to talk about the struggles - about the reality of it.
Thinking of all the needs Aussies have which are being suppressed. The Aussie must have a rant deeply embedded in them.
Dark Sides
1. Lack of humility

2. Excess of pride
3. Sense of Exceptionalism - So bad everywhere else, but not in *{insert my backyard and city of residence here}*
4. Oblivious or Completely Resistant
5. No self-analysis. It truly becomes dark work in the minds of those who shun it for too long.
What am I thankful for?
"Lost" must become found.
What did I conserve and keep?
What do I need to retain?
Do I want *Change* or do I want *To Change?*
6. Do they ask themselves any questions or explore doubts via internal monologue
What do I want to retain?
What will I Conserve and Keep?
Can I rattle off a list of things in my life which I appreciate?
What is not to change.
Did I potentially make the most ill-informed leap into ignorance prior to complying?
By complying uncritically, have I abandoned my responsibilities to self, others and society at large?
Could it be that through absence of decision-making, I caused my future to be fraught with nightmare scenarios completely outside of my control?
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Psychologists Speak Out
The Purpose of Doublethink and Cognitive Dissonance
Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) on The Liminalist: pt1 - timestamped
Jasun Horsley:
Once you've introduced, to get a bit obvious and Orwellian, the 2 + 2 = 5 ... That's kind of it really... You've already got people to jump the shark so to speak and start practicing double think on a daily basis - at least as far as they're engaged with the Trans thing which I want to get to as well, how widespread it is.
But once they've taken that step, I think that that's the crucial step after that.
Or it's kind of a slippery slope that just keeps on sliding, I think.
Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) on The Liminalist Pt 2: A Woman Among Trans - timestamped
Jasun Horsley:
It seems that what you're describing there is proof of Orwell's principle of double think. I mean the point of double think is to prevent people from being able to think, all right?
Because every time they have a thought, the opposite thought rises up and cancels it out. So they just can't carry on thinking about it.
So that sounds like that conversation: you're basically presenting certain facts around the situation to this person that prevent her.. because they think.. each one invokes a corresponding counter-thought that basically says "No! You can't think, you can't think about this."
So the only answer's "Oh that's not a problem. That's fine. It's fine you know."
My Thoughts and Discussion Points
When taking into consideration the sensible explanations from 9/11 Psychologists, particularly the information regarding cognitive dissonance and belief systems, we are halfway towards understanding ourselves and why we couldn't bear cowering in ignorance.
Despite 9/11 shocking humanity in its own unique way, principles of group psychology and resultant individual behaviours demonstrate numerous similarities to humanity's shocked response from the 2020 plandemic.
"I don't need to look at the evidence."
"I wouldn't believe it even if it WERE true."
"I refuse to believe that that many Americans could be that satanically treasonous. Someone would have talked."
"These are beliefs. They are not scientific facts. But, these beliefs do keep us from looking at the empirical evidence."
- Frances Shure, 20-Year Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychotherapist
Who amongst us have heard variations of the above in our interactions over the last 3 years? Personally, I haven't because of my extremely strident dissidence in the face of what was being pushed onto me. I didn't experience cognitive dissonance because I couldn't construct a belief system from what seemed to be forced onto me.
Nor did any of my pre-existing belief systems come under threat from 2020's onset of plandemic panic and propaganda - for this I am thankful to God Almighty and any other deities above who were smiling down.
From these blessings I learned my pre-existing belief was in thine own self.
Mine capabilities fueled desires to seek elucidating light,
For pressing forth; hyperfocused and on a mission,
Emblazoned with divine iridescent sight, parsing farce from instinctual right,
This is the anti-system I believed in. I'm grateful It's gotten me this far!
Now onto doublethink... I love the way Jasun explained it, in a very Hermetic way;
"The point of double think is to prevent people from being able to think,
Because every time they have a thought, the opposite thought rises up and cancels it out.
So they just can't carry on thinking about it."
We are surrounded by the injected who through folly and/or ignorance committed actions which doublethink prevents them from thinking about. Doublethink thoughts arise to cancel out ideas or entering any internal states of cognitive dissonance.
Doublethink pushed the injected away from confronting internal thoughts or thoughts from which to express doubt over. Such as;
what they did to themselves medically,
why they undid themselves morally and ethically,
and who they intended to become by doing so?
Therefore the injected cannot enter a state of consciousness or commence being self-reflective due to being stuck in a nightmarish state of purgatory and limbo.
Engaging in ping-pong against a perfectly matched dark-self clone, marooned on an oubliette and surrounded by a bottomless, abyssal chasm..
Forever prevented from breaking back into human consciousness...?
A lot of them are facing physical hardships which I haven't and wont be.
But far too many have already succumbed to iatrogenic adverse events and even death.
...I don't know...
The Silence of Despair Is Deafening
So how should I weaponize the following gems of insight provided by 9/11 Psychologists Speak Out?
Healing comes through facing the truth, experiencing it, allowing the feelings to come in.
Reconciliation through the truth is what is a deep path to psychological recovery from the myths and lies which this historical event has been cloaked in the official view
One of the ways to deal with the trauma is to find the answers. We need the truth in order to heal.
We work together to expose what happened regardless of where the evidence takes us. That's what we expected from our governments.
Questioning is patriotic - questioning is what we're supposed to do as citizens. That's our duty.
When I saw the charges flash on building 7 on the day I knew what happened. I knew. It wasn't until I saw the culprits smugly standing at ground zero for the 20th anniversary that my brain opened up the front door of my 'home' and allowed so much rage to explode that I smashed up my living room. I sat on the floor crying, not because it happened, but because of the lies. It's the lies that damage. Since then I have never entertianed a lie or anyone else's fantasy for one second. 2+2 = 4. A man is not a woman. The jab kills. These are revolutionary acts in 2023. I hope hell is hot Powell and Rumsfeld.
Your posts are exceptional.