The Empire of Lies: Pseudoreality, The Brutalisation of Language - Yizz The Eunuch & News Fist
Notes & Commentary (Warning: I Rant)
Blue & Red Pill dichotomy - I'd repurpose it into Blue Team and Red Team
"Your entire world is constructed out of lies."
lies are manufactured and attempted to be fed into you in a specific method through specific actions but that doesn't a priori preclude an entire world constructed of falsehoods.
Sophistry = Artful Lies.
Change of color definition / Sophistry is better exemplified through Fabian gradualism because the lie does not root itself bare and stark within a time or place. It's seepage is so gradual that one generation to the next does not notice fundamental change in definitions or reality.
The state cannot make acceptance of a lie through its abuse or language or abuse of power. Why can it not? Because I reject the abuse of language - because that is my battlefield - because that is my quarry and my raison d'etre for continual combat.
You spend too much effort explaining the negative fallout resulting from an acceptance of governmental abuse of language. In doing so, I am concerned of giving too much credence to or verily explaining their abuses.
To bear witness to the intents and purposes motivating all these fanciful frameworks concocted by academia, think thanks and PPPs is helpful and I'd consider such information a cognitive security asset. Forewarned is forearmed after all and we do require all the assets, weapons, investigative research and actionable intel possible but lending weight to the continued projection and assumption of government's Abuse of Language and Abuse of Power bolsters it's presence, assets it's self-perpetuating domination.
Those who know, already know.
"There is nothing new under the sun." Amen to that. We worship a dying god - over centuries and across ethnic borders - different races and ethnicities worldwide worship the birth, death and cyclic resurrection of a Sun-like deity. "There is nothing new under the sun."
Throughout history, Pseudo-Reality persists and so be it today. And the worship of the dying God can also be interpreted as the worship of a Fallen Angel.
Again statements like "forcing people to live in a pseudo-reality" can unfortunately work against the altruistic purpose of your discussion. Axiomatically, it's not much different from publishing headlines that state "How to Identify Truth in a Confusing World"
16m 40s - Yes, exactly - attack and defend, teach others how to shore up their cognitive security so the overwhelming volume & resources expended against them is wasted, or better yet, appropriated & improvised for their own attacks.
I strongly believe this is a simple CogSec strategy that can be readily deployed by anyone and taught easily to anyone as well. Once the crucial importance of a simple, decentralized strategy that's readily deployable onto the CogWar battlefield is accepted, then our entire perception of the power and effectiveness of the competitor's (satanist's etc) massive information warfare expenditure moves to higher ground.
What I see offered in alternative media is not opposed to projecting the prevailing paradigm, because it all too often falls short of providing any actionable strategy or tactic for our cognitive defenses. We too often get served a solution to your, nay our, NAY EVERYONE'S problems via consumer-class knowledge that's been gift-wrapped into empowerment.
For example: a way to positively identify "truth" and assert reality in a world of confusion does not help me observe, orientate, identify, decide and act in response to prolonged, sustained assaults originating from a prevailing global cognitive infrastructure.
To accept what's proffered to us commoners as positive solutions for the assertion of reality serves to perpetuate a 'world of confusion' stalemate situation. We are being nudged into a position of operational impotence - where to act in our own defense or to protect our God-given integrity, we require authoritative arbiters to effectively and safely select "truth" for our consumption. Fuck that for The New Normal Status Quo... I am on the offensive...
Reject presupposing conflict as a question of how to Identify Truth in a Confusing World by empowering others to react in self-defense, and thereby deploying them into a fight for their own rights. Joining a greater battle for all our futures.
Empowerment through education and appealing to an individual's sense of valour, virtue, values, violence!
We will require a cognitive judo-fu move: a type of heuristic countermeasure that deftly debilitates our enemy's tired and repetitive projections onto the battlefield. These projections are something we've faced daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly, almost a decade now. These projections are not assumptions or foregone conclusions to be endured in perpetuity any longer because we are mobilizing, maneuvering across a now rapidly evolving battlescape, taking position, awaiting the signal to unleash our combative countermeasures. We're poised and ready to countermindfuck the entire GayOps, PsyWar FuckFest, aren't we?
The nature of combat is thusly redefined as "How to Reject and Fight Falsehoods" because that's what could effectively alter the balance of power here. Shift the impetus to act back onto us an individuals who are under heavy enemy fire.
In your instinctual need for self-preservation, you suddenly are able to defend, deter, deny and eventually (eventually; we'll get there, wont we?) destroy this abysmal purgatory of global media narrative assault, to potentially rupture a global enemy cognitive infrastructure from its position of entrenchment, shift it out from above the fundament hanging over all our heads.
I do not need guidance on how to identify what is truth (especially when the precept of "Pseudo-reality" allows for scenarios where no truth presently exists or can be identified). What I do need is tools and assets to empower strategy and tactics for my Fight to Reject Falsehoods. In a world poisoned by falsehoods, I reject any truth presented to me as one of a polarity of two opposites for me to make a choice from.
Just that simple rejection alone shatters the prevailing polarity of choices presented. Without having a reliable battlefield under Central Command Control's Common Operating Picture which is powered by the Whole-of-Government's Cognitive and Digital Infrastructure, then all the predictive analysis in the world is for naught. The influence over my heart, body and soul is (and truth be told, always was) mine!
No war can be won by consenting to (or accepting) the superiority of Enemy Influence. A Whole-of-Government or Whole-of-Nation Common Operating Picture's success hinges on successful projection of Cognitive Warfare Military Doctrine Domination - that "Influence must Lead to Victory".
OK i got triggered by the first half of your explanation. Sorry about that. Here's the rest of my timestamped comments.
27min 50s - DICTIONARY! fuck yes. Back to basics. The solidity of the dictionary must be defended, and used as an assett.
30min onwards - yes yes yes. so glad you are both thoughtfully expounding upon the Status Quo and from where it's persistent projection of power originates.
40min - debasement of indivdual's innate unpredictability, irrepressible imperative to simply reject and defy the Status Quo
Great show, loved the parting thoughts and embiggened description of perspective as a way to portray what kind of struggle we face.
Further Reading
(page 5-12 web search results for "Office of Perception Management and Influence")
How Perception Management and Optics are the New Normal in Life and Business
Consortium News - The Victory of Perception Management (2014) - There is Nothing New Under the Sun, indeed. And this was published in 2014!
To understand how the American people find themselves trapped in today’s Orwellian dystopia of endless warfare against an ever-shifting collection of “evil” enemies, you have to think back to the Vietnam War and the shock to the ruling elite caused by an unprecedented popular uprising against that war.
While on the surface Official Washington pretended that the mass protests didn’t change policy, a panicky reality existed behind the scenes, a recognition that a major investment in domestic propaganda would be needed to ensure that future imperial adventures would have the public’s eager support or at least its confused acquiescence.
This commitment to what the insiders called “perception management” began in earnest with the Reagan administration in the 1980s but it would come to be the accepted practice of all subsequent administrations, including the present one of President Barack Obama.
In that sense, propaganda in pursuit of foreign policy goals would trump the democratic ideal of an informed electorate. The point would be not to honestly inform the American people about events around the world but to manage their perceptions by ramping up fear in some cases and defusing outrage in others depending on the U.S. government’s needs.
Thus, you have the current hysteria over Russia’s supposed “aggression” in Ukraine when the crisis was actually provoked by the West, including by U.S. neocons who helped create today’s humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine that they now cynically blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Yet, many of these same U.S. foreign policy operatives outraged over Russia’s limited intervention to protect ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine are demanding that President Obama launch an air war against the Syrian military as a “humanitarian” intervention there.
In other words, if the Russians act to shield ethnic Russians on their border who are being bombarded by a coup regime in Kiev that was installed with U.S. support, the Russians are the villains blamed for the thousands of civilian deaths, even though the vast majority of the casualties have been inflicted by the Kiev regime from indiscriminate bombing and from dispatching neo-Nazi militias to do the street fighting.
This is the crux of the matter imho: "instinctual need for self-preservation."
Put simply, it no longer exists for the vast majority, dare I say, 98% of Australians (if we are to believe the numbers).
Govern me harder, daddy.
"When an army feeds its horses with grain and kills it's cattle for food, and when the men do not hang their cooking pots over the campfires, showing that they will not return to their tents, you may know that they are determined to fight to the death."
Sun Tzu, Art of War