Try Today - Poetry Assemblage
A selection of my poetry on themes of isolation, societal dissociation, weakness and inner turmoil.
Introduction - There Isn't a Rallying Cry
I wrote the below verses on scraps of butcher paper long ago: probably over a decade ago and by golly do these verses ring true today.
There isn't a rallying cry resounding nationwide
for unity or co-operation;
but there is a puzzling appeal for authority to step in,
to placate our cries "DO SOMETHING, WE'RE DYING HERE"
and then withdraw to leave us waiting
until next time.If the nuclear family wont survive as a unit of social stability,
then there will not be any meaningful unification to be achieved.
If the moral agency of a person is rendered impotent by referrals to external agency;
such as government, charities, celebrity and experts,
then the only unifying for a cause enacted
is one of submission and resignation.We, Stand strongly unified
linked by our hands held cuffed:
scarred by our hearts aching with one resounding pulse."Oh please help us: I did not what to do, oh!"
Such horrors left my struggles to understand utterly broken.
All pretenses at subtlety beaten. Must..
I submit to this problem.I resign (as I must) and await your drafted solution,
leaving society's fate to trusted authority's dictum.
Assorted Poems & Verse
A selection of recent poems extending upon themes of isolation, societal dissociation, weakness and inner turmoil.
Eleven Eleven 2023
If you want to seek, you do not find
If you stay still, so will your mind.Drawn to cliches like a moth's drawn to a flame
The world's a stage and the lamp's a sun
Want to evoke a quip, fearful of quoth and scorn.
No utterance made, inner thoughts remain heard by no one.
It's dark out here, sitting in the night waiting.
It's darker with fear, I'm annulled, in stasis
frozen by awareness of how it's all the same.
0 seconds ago
Achingly extended emotional catharsis,
muted and prolonged because the immediacy of feeling is going away.Colours seep out,
watching the paint dry.
I watched them go to grey,
Still grey today.Gunmetal pall of greyscale replaces people, places, names and faces.
Couldn't even hear them go away.I hum to myself, mouth closed, muted.
Vibrations are some, something..
So I opened my mouth,
ever so slightly parting my lips.Gasped at my voice, softly exhaled, closed mouth once more.
Muted humming.
I'll try again tomorrow.
There's no reason but this reason to smile wide
When you're going outside to walk or to ride
Darkened thoughts are in season yet still we're shaking it off
Walking or riding down the path.There's no reason not to smile and say hello
to a stranger approaching on the same path
just walking or riding it the opposite way you areDidn't you know it's the same path you're sharing today. Do you know how to say "G'day. What a nice morning, hey?"
There's no reason, there's no reason to avoid a glance at the stranger approaching
whose noticed you're 'noided
which makes them 'noided
so both of us forget pleasantries or parlance.Stop, this now. Yes, you. Who, me? Uh, myself?
Yes, I! Stop instinct shriveling your tongue
Another ill-formed post-Plandemic habit deadens voices
Nudge me into silence
Another attempt at hastening us to die.
Demoralized much?
"There is a silent war happening between Psychopaths and Schizophrenics. We know that the population numbers are very small for both groups, however one group is more likely to become CEOs (psychopaths) and the other is more likely to become homeless (schizos). This is because schizos are good at pattern recognition, and can notice the psychos. Normies are incapable of seeing psychopaths in front of them, and psychos relish and dominate because of this. Schizos are able to know them on an instinctual level and suss them out in a way normies never could. Thus there is a constant demoralization campaign against schizos from the tyrant psychos, who seek to use the population against their greatest natural enemy."
Are you demoralized much? Then try listening to my recent experience of projecting someting other than demoralization into your day.
I really like that first poem!