Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023Author

In light of a shockingly honest Health department vaccine surveillance safety data report being published in Western Australia, I must honor some of the efforts I made against vaccine uptake. At times driven to desperation, near insanity, I skirted lines others treated as impenetrable cages.

In particular I remember marshalling a flash mob group of infuriated parents and other anti-covid-vaxxers on the same day that Premier Mark McGowan announced a Perth Zoo vaccination van for CHILDREN. He oh so flawlessly MARKeted that jabs are now available for 5-12? year old children based on a recent ATAGI recommendation for the same.

So to celebrate another age group cohort joining ranks of those risking injury and death, and with this being the most innocent and vulnerable cohort yet, WA HEALTH decided it'd be great to have our Premier Mark McGowan himself shilling a FREE MOVIE TICKET or PERTH ZOO ENTRY TICKER for your children when they get vaxxed at any of the city wide deployed mobile pop-up vaccination clinics.

Well, my mustering shut down the Perth pop-up clinic. Red paint was thrown and mainstream media coverage, along with any official rebuke from government or health agencies was conspicuously absent. I think other very effective psychological and communication strategies were deployed too and authorities didn't want its' successes to be publicized at all.

Now, to deeply sink back to that time, thinking, sinking, then awakening and recalling what strategies they could have been.

Oh My Mark McGowan, My "Tired" Mr Mark McGowan of Rockingham and Highgate.

Your bolt of conscience didn't strike early enough!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by aagabriel

He was/is something else isn't he?! Wow! Shutting down pop-up clinic!

You're absolutely right, of course about having any of such dissent being mentioned. And, unfortunately this is the most effective weapon they have. And let's not forget, WA adds the extra dimension to "the tyranny of distance". I'm not playing down people's apathy and conformity.

Thank you.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Liked by aagabriel


Yet, you cannot convince the psyopped and demoralised. They are gone. Let the dead bury the dead. You did everything you could. The great winnowing is occurring, that is very clear. It's our time now, and it will not be easy, but that was also foretold.

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I'm rediscovering my disturbing and unsettling imagination. Helping a lot :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

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