MandEval Research Project Announced: Effectiveness & Consequences of Australia's COVID-19 Vax Mandates
Exploring latest announcements of yet more Australian taxpayer funds being thrown at Academia's public health research projects - of which Australians are still poorly equipped to understand.
MandEval Research Project Announced: Effectiveness & Consequences of Australia's COVID-19 Vax Mandates
Exploring latest announcements of yet more Australian taxpayer funds being thrown at Academia's public health research projects - of which Australians are still poorly equipped to understand.
The purpose of this article is to inform, guide and equip readers with an innate understanding of why "Vaccination Social Science" research programs like "MandEval" must be investigated as a priority by the public. We are the public from which the research program's data is sourced, collated, interpreted and published, so as to inform the basis (or excuses) for past, present and future governmental public health policy recommendations.
Greetings Readers,
When I first read The West's article and UWA's media release announcing Katie Attwell's return to a global stage for basking in her self-aggrandizing Vaccination Social 'Sciences' limelight, I reacted thusly:
Back in 2021, I investigated COSSI (Collaboration of Social Sciences and Immunisation) extensively because I was privileged enough to gain entry into their internal circles of 'stakeholders.' What I witnessed during the COSSI Zoom meetings disturbed me on a primordial level. I resolved that once I had time to properly investigate why I reacted this way, I would do so.
Time passed and I didn't fully comprehend when participating in COSSI's Zoom meetings throughout 2021 if any implications existed for me, so any resolve for investigation of COSSI lapsed.
Other issues demanded other priorities back then and it seemed no clear or present dangers were forecast or visibly encroaching from the East Coast's horizon, threatening my livelihood in Perth, Western Australia.
How foolish of me to presume I was in the clear!
Workplace vaccination mandates eventually hit Western Australia by end of December 2021 and my career subsequently ended. When the majority of WA's workplace vaccination mandates were rescinded starting from July 2022, they left someone who'd borne the full brunt of COSSI's vaccination mandate recommendations.
Today, I need to understand the who, what, where, how, why and when responsible for my loss of a whole year's worth of productivity.
Almost 1 and a half years later there's still no explanations or apologies offered to me and all Western Australians. So when I read the announcement of yet another public health vaccination social science research program being awarded to Katie Attwell et al, a repressed tempest of emotions flared up, awakening an unresolved and unrequited justice.
I believe that MandEval's (Mandate Evaluation's) primary research objective is to ameliorate as much potentially attributable risk and liability to stakeholders, members of academia and governments alike. I believe we - the public who suffered unduly - have to reverse engineer their intended cover up before it's published and circulated around the world to a resounding chorus of critical acclaim.
MandEval (Mandate Evaluation)
The MandEval (Mandate Evaluation) research program will investigate impact of COVID-19 Vaccine mandates by:
"applying multiple methodologies to track impacts and experiences of vaccine mandates anywhere, for any vaccine."
Lead Researcher, Assistant Professor Katie Attwell continues on, gloating that her project would be the first of its kind ever. My take is that Katie Atwell's intention is to steer MandEval through "Social Sciences, Behavioural Psychology, Communication Management and Public Health Policy + Propaganda" pathways as a strategy to publish a kind of a postmortem report, like one a Coroner, a Corona, A Coroner, is tasked to complete when cause or causes of death are unknown.
Despite the press releases and official announcements made, I couldn't source substantive details on what MandEval actually comprises of. Infact the more I researched, the more apparent it was that the public isn't meant to know such details. Nor was it likely that the public would have deeply repressed questions answered by governments and public health department stakeholders.
Questions like;
Will it be primarily focused on Australia's (Western Australia's?) treatment of it's populations?
Will it result in reprimands, resignations, charges or fines being imposed against any who contributed to Vaccination Social Science's policy recommendations or the devastating enforcement of the same across populations held captive within cities, states and nations?
Will their be any apologies or acknowledgements of error?
Will their be rollbacks of any implemented "State of Emergency" powers or provisions, or Public Health enforcement directives, or mandates which are unenforceable by law
Will there be a reinstatement of rights and freedoms?
Will there be discussions to prevent future medical tyranny by adopting constitutional "We, The People" equivalents?
MandEval's Next Generation of Researchers
Mandate Evaluation as an ethical and morally driven concept, must be kept entirely separated from any (and I mean ANY) stakeholders, individuals, corporations or governments who were involved in the conceptualization, implementation or enforcement of vaccination mandates.
The wider global audience of interdisciplinary collaborators "who work across the country and the world on aspects of Vaccination Social Science," are gaining far more than a public awaiting the next onslaught upon it's collective health and freedoms. As next generations of researchers, they will be sought for recruitment to work on University of WA's MandEval and on the "various sub-projects analysing the introduction and impact of COVID-19 vaccine mandates."
A tantalizing proposition for a prospective next-gen of Public Health Propagandist Professionals. They'll have the 'expertise' for understanding how to 'translate vaccine availability to health policy improvements,' amongst other obtuse, occulted academic skills.
We must assert our imperative as a present Generation of Researchers which intends investigation of MandEval thoroughly and authoritatively.
Why Investigate MandEval (Mandate Evaluation)
Once I started preliminary research into the MandEval grant; where it originated, who supports it and any details regarding it's scope of research, I soon found myself with several pages of notes. Enough for a draft article yet I faced a conundrum that kept me procrastinating.
My investigation couldn't address all the questions raised from the gathered which was a major irritation. To overcome this, I've answered whatever I can and for the rest, I will ask my readers to fill in any of the blanks or let me know of any errors.
I admit I'm not fluent in academic tertiary systems of education or how grant application procedures operate. During the process of writing and investigating this article, starting from one research grant announcement, made something clear to me: I should be.
I'm familiar with other academic disciplines and fields of expertise such as Psychology, Social and Political Sciences, Online Behaviour and Perception Management and I'm aware these disciplines cross pollinate via interdisclipinary collaboration.
Interdiscliplinary collaboration forms new emergent fields such as Scientific Communication and Vaccine Social Sciences. I'm not fluent on philological root concepts or any providential origins of Academia's involvement in the same, yet through reading dozens of published research papers on all these topics, I know I will be.
Science vs "Trust The Science"
Science as a discipline, canon, procedure and empirical methodology for procuring evidence isn't making any headway against the omnipresent and diametrically opposed Trust The Science.
Today's controlling global interests want those aspects of our humanity erased from our makeup and from our shared awareness of history. Social sciences are ushering in humanity's self-annihilation through repetition of a hypnotic slogan: Trust The Science.
The fields under the Social Sciences have been patronized by many large, wealthy, controlling interests. Research projects, studies and academic papers are recipients of grants which originate from both private sector sources and (as in this case) government/ public sector Funds that are precisely made for Social Sciences / Public Health related funding.
The public is provided a bewildering glimpse into a default operative modality for such 'interdiscliplinary' foundations as described: where the greater the degrees of obfuscation any money and beneficiary trails are, then the more intertwined are the fates of those that can't identify who benefits most through their collective suffering.
The existing academic literature and normative standards for 'evidence' allowed public health industry stakeholders to continue collaborating as long as the collaboration prioritizes potential benefits towards policymakers in government. Mandate Evaluation intends to ensure that the new normal status quo is maintained.
Considering how much of the above conglomerated interdisciplinary research projects can be attributed to governmental directives, vaccination mandates, Covid-19 restrictions and the co-ordinated public health messaging we've had to endure for over three years, a pathway forward to truth and justice must be trail-blazed.
With no reasonable explanations forthcoming as to why we collectively suffered (beyond "For Your Own Safety"), our salvation should emanate from pursuing real reasons for why we had to endure such humiliation and degradation.
Medical Research Future Fund breakdon
A 'first of it's kind' research project named "MandEval" (Mandate Evaluation) was announced on Tuesday, 14 March 2023. The project will be led by the prestigious University of Western Australia with Associate Professor of the School of Social Sciences, Katie Attwell appointed as Lead Researcher. This project intends to research impacts and outcomes of government-implemented COVID-19 mandates, specifically vaccination mandates, from various locations worldwide.
The Australian Commonwealth government also announced it had 'boosted' MandEval's funding by $4,754,183, granted from Australia's Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
The $4,754,183.37 funded in the aforementioned press release originates from the Australian Commonwealth government's "Medical Research Future Fund." It's funding the MandEval (Mandate Evaluation) research program which I hadn't heard of before. Curious choice of words as the article specifies "..has been boosted by $4.7million" suggesting MandEval received an initial shot of funding prior to its' boosting on 14th March 2023.
I tried delving into MRFF's awarded grants and funding from prior years to confirm this but had difficulty in doing so. From scouring published news, press releases and social media posts on the annoucement, this is what I think is going on;
MandEval is launching in October 2023, with the $4.7mil funding going to Katie Attwell's VaxPol-Lab, which she managed from the University of Western Australia campus.
The Telethon Kids' Institute press release appears to confirm this also.

The Wesfarmer's Centre for Virus and Infectious Disease, retweets out congratulations.
So it appears that grants awarded to UWA for programs of work and research into "vaccine policy & regulation" and the "social science of vaccination" all fall under the umbrella of VaxPolLab.
The Federal Minister for Health & Aged Care announced "Nearly $400 million for exceptional medical research projects including projects to improve First Nations health" and linked to a table containing all projects receiving funding.
Here is the following entry for MandEval:
Never mind
Never mind any studies or Commonwealth Government Funded Projects researching efficacy or risk/benefit analyses of any State Government Public Health policies implemented during the plandemic, never mind that gaping big hole symbolizing complete absence of accountability, responsibility or scientific investigation.
But what about the Covid-19 injectibles, the mandated covid-19 vaccinations themselves? Enough published Science exists regarding their risks and lack of safety inherent in those experiment mRNA gene therapy injections, yet Trust The Science's very existence is threatened by truth.
Our state government's treacherous, torturous enforcement of various terrible COVID-19 workplace vaccination mandates are going to be ameliorated by Social Science Speak, and then promptly forgotten. My prediction is that we will be basically provided with published data and analyses that superfluously address continued support for Trust The Science. Supplying a poisoned public who has by now forgotten what Science once was, or what it's meant to represent, with yet another multi-million dollar funded reiteration of Trust The Science serves only as a distraction and further demoralization.
And truth cannot be funded or accounted for when trust is bought and sold, science is hijacked by socialization and vaccination instead.
Katie Instructs Mainstream Media On Her (Our) Scientific and Communication Management Mandate
Thank you for making it this far. This is the final section where I'll use the example of Katie's Channel Nine News TV appearance to identify and isolate some of the Scientific & Communication Management strategies she employed during her televised interview.
These remain scribbles, jotted down notes as I intend to analyze the video transcript in full for a separate article.
I leave you with Katie's appearance on Channel Nine Perth's 6 o'clock nightly news.
Firstly, I want note the importance of timing: Wednesday 15th March. One day after press releases are published, Katie goes live on free to air TV during prime-time. I contend this time was chosen specifically for lecturing Western Australians when a majority of them tuned in to the same TV channel and same television program.

Tip: On the first listen, keep your ears open for specific terms and words. Ones which feel or sound unusual or unsuitable for the context they're spoken in. Note the interplay between words, how they ping-pong between interviewer and guest, and how many times they are repeated. These are Key Terms and Key Words
AIMS = Mirror. Katie mirrors opening question "what are you hoping that this research will tell us?" back to her interviewer. She does it by generating a very abstruse answer, loaded with Key Terms and Key Words from what was originally an easy question to answer;
"...complex, and they can generate a range of issues... " "...Obviously the government's hope that they will generate people complying and being vaccinated...." "...but there are a whole range of other things that might happen..." "anything else related to people's attitudes or experiences regarding government and vaccination programs."
"Scientific Communication describes how behaviour, opinion and perception can be manufactured (or generated) and what scientific or medical outcome can be translated from it."
How many times was Key Word generate used in the first minutes of her interview? What do you think this repeated word signifies in a context of vague and puzzling discussions where a vague and puzzling research project was discussed and broadcast on free to air TV during prime-time?
Potentially generate the largest audience by strategically broadcasting during prime-time. When there's greatest potential for your scientific communication goals being generated?
Some of My Observations
I believe she uses an adversarial debating & discourse technique called the Gish Gallop.
Her startling mode of speech; large tracts of script memorized, immediate responses to all questions from interviewer, carefully enunciated words and phrases synchronized to intentional gestures and body language.
It's incredibly hard to follow Katie's thread of conversation (lecturing) from start to finish. Try to isolate a single theme or summarize your impressions of what she discussed and you'll find it difficult to do so.
Changing points of view / perspective:
Singular, Lone, Individual: I, Me, You is rarely mentioned. When it is, it's done to ingratiate or flatter another individual whose views or behaviors require addressing or correcting. Other
Plural, Pairs or Immediate Circle: We, Our, We, We, Our. We don't know. We do know. Us. Together, All of Us.
Superlative, unlimited, innumerable until defined as otherwise: disease, vaccine, government, magazine, mandates, their population, scientists. People's. Other
"I believe that MandEval's (Mandate Evaluation's) primary research objective is to ameliorate as much potentially attributable risk and liability to stakeholders, members of academia and governments alike."
"I admit I'm not fluent in academic tertiary systems of education or how grant application procedures operate."
It's a club composed of the GO8 universities. Quality doesn't usually matter, only narrative.
"Medical Research Future Fund" may not be a competitive grant in the traditional sense but a cash funnel. Get a FOIA request from UWA Research Office and ask for the terms of the grant contract and the grant application (if one exists) as well as the ethics declaration. It's taxpayer funded so not commercial in confidence.
Curious interview. I switched off the MSM years ago, but this was strange.
The questions asked were legit ones of the type we ask.
The responses were glib, hurried and non-committal. She definitely had those questions beforehand.
She was too bubbly, and spoke to fast, no time to slow down the conversation and actually think about the questions posed, like in a normal interaction.