Great writing, AAGABRIEL. Grim reading. But then again, truth comes in many shades.

All our times will come, but I am furious that it may be at the hands of a Moloch Machine run by sociopaths.

Keep up the good fight.

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The double M, Moloch machine hasn't ended our time yet! Says a lot about how weak it is, I reckon.

Thanks for commenting 👍

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Holy shit this was a great read. My emotional experience was very similar to yours.

Any chance we can get that art exhibit from you soon? I think about that from time to time. I will come.

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Thanks for the support, and the reminder of my art exhibition goal.

I started 2024 with the resolution that in this year I make it happen. Now that the year is halfway through, I still want to make it happen but need to reconsider what form it will take.

I don't make art as much as I should but I do fuck around on the internet and use my imagination to do acts of creative disruption. Now, how do I go about exhibiting it?

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Large-scale digital graffiti.

Perth CBD

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It's a tribute to your writing ability that I felt fear, desperation, and desolation, but also sanguinity that springs from the indomitable human spirit. This personal account of ordeals, both your own as much as they are ours as well, is a recitation as hopeful as it harrowing.


Do You Feel Unsafe If the Enemy Threatening You Is Scared?

You now have me re-examining my own determinations and resolutions: I had, until this moment, felt a glimmer of pride in that I believed I had been impervious, immune to The Australian, or any government's weaponization of Behavioural Economics/Insights programmes and corresponding Tavistock-like treacheries. But have these programmes instead cognitively nudged me toward the conviction of irrevocable condemnation and proscription of the entire establishment, the Australian and any other combined, government, laws, and institutions? Has the nudging in fact succeeded in radicalising me not only against it but also against the entirety of society that goes along to get along and in such a way bolsters and perpetuates the malevolent establishment's animosity against us? Has one of the aims of these diabolical programmes of cognitive steerage, if not possession, driven me to my present state of atomisation from society, and in my isolation, has it succeeded in neutralising my resistance to my enemy?

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A lot of deep considerations there, none of them have a single answer.

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