Thank you for the translation. I don't understand or speak a word of Polish, but I watched the entire video of the gentleman's invocation to resistance. The exasperation, the terror in his mien was palpable, blood-chilling. It's dispiriting that however sincere the man's petition was, and however legitimate the exigency we are all confronting, meaningful concerted resistance, if it is even possible, if it could even prevent or deflect the course the country is being steered on, is still largely absent.

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Don't measure the marks you made by what's lacking from others and the marks they don't / can't / won't make.

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Thanks. I don't want to appear ungrateful, or glib, but I'd really want to be measured by the marks we 1.5 million protestors could have left on Tony Blair's cadaverous person.

There was a glowing hatred for that fiend right across the land for reinforcing the invasion with British military. And I have to give credit where it's due, because I couldn't have imagined, the simple commoner that I am, that anyone could have followed-up on such a despicable act as Blair did then with what he's done since 2003. And yet he's done that, in spades actually.

But how about that Blair acolyte, Jacinda Ardern? I wonder if these ghouls are born that way, or are they bred?

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Bred and groomed.

Here is a photo if Jacunta with the ginger dolt who replaced her in London 2006. Probably Rhodes, Ox-Bridge or London School of Economics scholars...


Blair was initiated into the Order or the Garter a year or so ago. He also had a rap sheet for cottaging/indecency in ye Olde London's public toilets. https://youtu.be/d9vpWHYhSOw

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They need removal starting with the heads at the WEF, WHO, UNESCO, BIS, RIIA, CFR, the Royals.

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You’re a legend for loading this.

Melbourne was HUUUUUGE. But the normies outnumbered and Andrews remained.

People should read more. History is around the corner

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The last protest I attended was in February 2003, when 1.5 million people took to the streets in London in an emphatic show of opposition against the looming invasion of Iraq. It was a massive protest, but it wasn't the biggest because the protest in Rome - the largest anti-war rally in history - involved around three million people. Madrid hosted the second largest rally with more than 1.5 million people protesting against the invasion. It was said that 36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 anti‑war protests. But even in London, it felt momentous, it felt like we were making a difference, we making history.

The invasion of Iraq began on 20 March 2003.

What I realised, with great pain and disappointment, was was that "people power" is a propaganda device, conceived by the enemy of the people, the financial superclass that is above the level of the nation state. This being the case, what is needed is a change of mindset. We have to be able to think in different ways, in completely other ways than the intelligence agencies and the think-tanks of the financial superclass have approved for us to think. We cannot think of the world in their terms. That means we cannot think that we need to act like Martin Luther King or Gandhi. Those people are shown up to us as examples, as paragons of behaviour, for a reason: because the financial superclass know these examples were under their control. All these heroes of resistance were elite projects because they want us to replicate the same futile behaviours.

They want us to yell something on Facebook or Twitter... or Substack. They want us to show up to an event like the 2003 London anti-war protest, of the COVID-19 anti-mandate protests that went on and are still going on right now. They want us to make a lot of mistakes, to get in trouble with the law. The whole system is designed to corral people like cows and walk them down corridors that lead to the slaughterhouse. We really have to re-examine the institutions that we think are supposed to be there for us to defend ourselves and make ourselves respected by, because they are not there for this reason at all, and we need to re-think politics as we understand it.

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There is a place for protest but it's place exists in between the placative display of people power as a pressure release, and guillotines.

Wholly agree with your closing assertions. To rethink politics, to retool war. Needed to upend the timeworn, all too expected ends which invariably result in going thru the motions of making amends.

It's quite exciting to think about how much rethinking and retooling is needed. Inspiring if typical reactive behaviour is inverted and flipped into mass creating.

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And I wholly agree with your opening statement. There is a cathartic aspect to a spirited protest that makes the supposed release provided by spectator sports a gaudy forgery.

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Many believe in themselves that such a thing is not possible, that no one would dare to reinstate such a reprehensible regime. Wrong, anything is possible and we see this every day...and many have forgotten how it was, because people have a short memory when it comes to history. Many do not even realize that many things are planned to be worse than the ones we know from the communism in which we lived, maybe they are too old, too tired or too lazy and limited.

In Australia is bad, from what I've read, a real experiment. Europe didn't understand is an experiment either.

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What is planned is probably about 50% less bad than we terrorize ourselves with during dark times.

These people are not their plans and their plans won't work if I refuse to comply, or better yet, sabotage or infiltrate their plans to use against them

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It IS a Planetary Problem! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/it-is-a-planetary-problem

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This is incredible. I was there that day - it was after the fluoro lay-downs on Dec 1 and I did not have anywhere else to go. It was a really hot day and I met a lady who I first met in 2020 at Parliament house. She was one of the first protestors with me. We knew this was coming and had no idea how much worse it was going to get. We discussed 'them' rounding us up and being loaded into trucks and being shot.

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Thank you for sharing this. "Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher is on my reading list.

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Keen to hear how reading it goes. https://www.christiancentury.org/review/books/live-not-false-sense-persecution

Had a quick look and saw that it's similar in title to a Solzenhitsyn book.

I have Anatoly Golitsyn's "News Lies For Old" arriving in the mail soon. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/2174522

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Thank you for sharing that article - it was very interesting!

I imagine the title being similar to a Solzenhitsyn book is no accident.

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