One Army Of Mice And Men: Battleground Downunder
Join us - Somebody has to do it
Hello Readers,
I'm back bearing soul-charged investigative reporting for y'all and it feels good to know it'll make an impact once it’s published. Better yet, once you've read it, you should be empowered and soul-charged by my discovery. But best of all will be your realisation that it's encumbent upon you to maximise any potential from my discovery.
And from that point of potential is a choice for you to make solely on your own - will I be of Mice or Men?
I intended to write and publish Part One of my discovery today however there’s a too long interlude of time which has passed. I have to dissect why I procrastinated too long - so for my sake (and hopefully yours too), I’m going to explore those feelings and thoughts that kept me away.
Consider this the Prologue then. Battleground Downunder Part One is (was) due in a couple of days..
I've been morose and absent throughout October 2022 despite my participation in local activism efforts. Attending a couple of angry protests improved my spiritual wellbeing and confirmed I'm not the only one who finds Western Australia's governmental overreach in response to SARS-CoV-2 utterly abominable .
Another positive: I also began distributing the first issue of The Light Australia during this time and was proud to do so. It's an excellent newspaper and is modelled on Ireland's The Light newspaper that launched successfully years ago and appears to be still in print today.
n.b. now in March 2023, I've declined to continue distributing The Light Australia Paper until personal circumstances improve.
After distributing my quota of Issue No 1 and attending the two protests, I couldn't shake off a kind of gloom;
as if I knew I would be missing the last flight,
or as if I was on a right path to victory only to discover that path would be too long and I'd arrive at the path's terminus too late.
or as if I was given a useful tool much needed long ago and then sadly realized that the tool was within my reach for years prior. If only I had reached out a little bit further I would have it in my hands today.
I missed the last call, found the yellow brick road only to never reach the end of it and was unable to look past my nose and reach into the periphery of my field of vision to grab what was always there.
I made effort to engage in positive things, needed things. I recognized months ago that I have to integrate back into the society which so unceremoniously ejected me in December last year. I had a very unmerry medical mandate holiday season starting Christmas 2021 and unfortunately 2022 continued kicking me further down.
Starvation of social interaction was bleedingly obvious to me and there was barely any smiling people around me. Despite considering myself introverted, existing inside such socio-cultural environs eventually takes a toll.
I wouldn't believe this kind of isolation possible a few years ago but I lived it and still go through it. It's hard to explain to you what it's like being uninjected by covid-19 injectables in the State of Western Australia.
An abhumanly defined open-air Public Health Prison?
A human cell phone farm with it's constituents designated as free-range for the time being?
A Public Health declaration status destruction of will, wit and wealth.
A debilitating purgatory where each digital transmission reflects back to you a never ending stream of debased senselessness?
Let me ask my readers a question: have you passed several consecutive days without uttering a word to another living being? Have you walked along beautiful riverbanks as Spring Time comes, amongst a glorious profundity of flora and fauna, displaying the healthiest flocks of native birds you have ever seen? Bird families with newborn ducklings, cygnets, chicks, goslings, tiny hatchlings of all sorts living their best life. Able to enjoy full-reign of the space as most days there's hardly another human soul to be seen, it can be quite lonely in such a wonderful parkland and riverside... yet I'm so very thankful for all the birds.
The birds did not give a shit about mandates or plandemics - they were flourishing and free. Witnessing their freedom to fly, my passions and inspired indignation felt obsolete. Any efforts to create conflict and art, engage and protest, write and debate, seek and find all felt impotent. I guess that the grave nature of any future was made more stark when contrasting a possible future against the perpetually ignorant, mellow-by-ministerial mandate Western Australian populace.
I guess I wanted to fly away like a bird and go on some kind of holiday. Ridiculous, I know. I just didn't want to hold onto an unconscious expectation that Western Australia's population can either continue on like this or degrade further. So I wanted to leave it, leave them and believe that I could fly!
I haven't though, and I wont plan any flying for a while. I require a steady income to regain enough financial security for enacting flights of fancy, any whims and wanderlust. A lot was taken from me due to illegal, unnecessary and illogical workplace vaccine mandates here but I can't dwell on it for now. There is potential for future justice through our legal systems and courts of law - I would definitely feel as light as a feather, flying sky high on the Fremantle Doctor if responsibility and accountability for my losses was achieved through the law!
In a debate with these stakes, integrity matters as much as credentials.

In the meantime, I will be publishing on the topic of Australia's plandemic crimes mercilessly. I had the tools and the path to do this years ago, infact my next series is going to address COSSI (The Collaboration on Social Science in Immunisation) and what role did they play precisely in normalising Mandatory Covid Vaccination public health policy in Australia. I have enough evidence to potentially cause birds to fly where they shouldn't.
So yes, my patient readers - It isn't all moribund and melancholy here. I've got my work set out for me, a caliber to match on Battleground Downunder. I'm inspired by the indefatiguable arkmedic
and their articles foremost. I'm also inspired by ACCAEN who has broken my heart along with many others around the world. Truth today is like that and through their data analytics + statistical analysis of the TGA'S DAEN system, ACCAEN changed the landscape of Battleground Downunder.
And lest we forget another absolutely dogged Aussie Battler whose ferorcious biting at lying medical mafiosos & untruthful bureaucrats has done much. One Peter Doherty got lockjawed Down Under by [jikkyleaks]( and enjoyed his own little fear-mandated lockdown as a result! Twas a wonderful moment to witness, and if I mayhap indulge - I could have assisted in it happening! This little critter's predatorial ferocity is quite hilarious, considering their avatar and army's insignia is of a little white mouse but don't you dare ever underestimate any Army of Mice! If not once, then shame on your for Twice!
The mouse army whom we all love shows what it takes to charge into battle as an Army Of Mice and Men. Ghosts of a generation past - the dogged Aussie battlers and ANZACs tips their helmets in our general direction, all too aware they died too soon. Yet their spirits join our fray as all charge into battle as one Army Of Mice and Men.
We are proud to have crossed each other's paths during the nightmare hellscape of Australia's Plandemic Battleground in 2021, so proud and thankful to have warrior mates amongst us. Twas fate well met to cross our paths and let that same fate lead us into fighting as one in Battleground Downunder!
One Army of Mice and Men
Join Us. Somebody has to do it.
This was really beautiful. Thank you. I'm really happy to have found your stack. You're not alone - at least you have me now.