And it will only take a generation to normalise this ideology. It’s interesting because there is simultaneously a push towards “diversity” and “equality,” two seemingly contradictory terms. We have tolerance but not for the everyone, not the traditionalists, we have the postmodern notion that all truths are valid as long as you accept the postmodernist view - to think that not all positions are valid is unacceptable. The net result of all this is to produce a disorienting effect whereby the population is so utterly confused, so rudderless and detached from reality that they give up. That is the aim. To produce a population of sameness, a population that has no innate values, in this we transform into a homogeneous mass of individuals whose values and expectations are whatever we are told they are. This is the Futurist’s dream - a society of empty vessels that labour diligently and believe whatever the current thing is.

We have always been at war with Eurasia.

2 + 2 = 5

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The population you accurately described has no place for mention next to "we."

You are not the population, nor are we. Yet we are pitiful too. By clarity of observation, you described a flock whom cannot fathom the meaning of such a description.

Cannae compare or contrast self-truths into self-reflection.

Pity us, because only Jesus managed to translated the light and the way for those who needed to hear it most.

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O, for the children of today to be taught by such school teachers! I wonder what Mr Jackson is up to today, if he is still with us.

In the recent kerbside pickup (I always look for books) I found a hardcover Victorian reader from the 1950s for year 6. The poetry!

Now? They are taught that 'some women have penises.' I weep.

Thanks for this article.

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My year 10 English Literature teacher Mr Alan Kemp fostered an unwavering passion in me for the magic of the English Language.

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Bibliophiles 'R' Us!

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You should have him write a guest article.

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Devil in detail. 1000 year old trees and destroyed landscape is not great. Somewhere this Anglo Saxon project of expansion would reach resource limits and start to eat itself.

This is now happening but is a consequence of seeing a blameless past as much as anything.

The author has identified serious problems but where is the solution?

Local customs and economies, I think.

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