I absolutely, completely get what you are saying, Gabriel. In so many ways, this is the story for so many if us. I haven't picked up a paintbrush in years, played music, consumed books like I used to. I am absolutely aware and locked in to what is now going on. Some would call it madness. I call it liberation and purpose. Sometimes I feel like Linda Hamilton in Terminator. Honing myself for one thing, and one thing only - a hard, sharp purpose. I, too, miss my flesh-family and friends. Desperately. But, strangely, I feel as though I have finally found myself. I was lost, before. I hope they try to find me. I'll reach out if I feel they are looking for me. Not in the physical sense. You know what I mean.

Call Roscoe. I think he is probably looking for you. If the worst has come to pass, it's better that you know.

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I'll call him after I finish my latest drawings.

Thankyou very much for your wonderfully human comment, I am glad you shared it with me and I'm bolder from reading bits of my own situation mirrored in yours.


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Please do, Gabriel. And blessings to you, too. I have derived great strength from so many on this platform, yet ultimately you need contact with your humans. And, importantly, they need you. Probably more than you realise. You will have a strength and wisdom that they will look to and need in the days ahead.

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Hi Gabriel. Thankyou for sharing.

I mourned my family and then started a new one. This began on this platform finding like minds. I had not newly awakened in 2020 so was already partly battle hardened. My initial struggle was that I couldn't work this out on my own like normal. Eventually, after 6 months of absolutely zero alcohol I began to see that I was infected with so many lies that I was only seeing the external of myself. So I weeded and weeded and will weed forever. I found some clarity when I worked out that the anonymous psychopaths that have been controlling humanity since ancient Egypt have major weaknesses ( read my stuff if you like) Wondering how I found these conclusions so I studied psychopaths and then did numerous psychopat test on myself with absolute honesty. I got 29 out out of a maximum of 40. Shocked.! But not. I had been wondering for years why I feel nothing anymore. I had been losing what made me human for a very long time. Hopelessness, pointlessness, impotence, total nihilism had destroyed my humanity, but that was THE PLAN. I had fallen for THEIR plan.

With the support of some surprising humble and influential people like Margaret Anne Alice and Mathew Crawford, I started my Substack. I didn't want to and was anxious that I might be agreed with- luckily no one read it and few agreed so I was on the right track! I found it more of a healing process and remembering tool for my personal development into someone that finally walks the talk. I posted for a bit and influenced some influencers but then worked out that the real work and real change happens in the real world. So I am now building a community in my local rural area in preparation for the chaos that is inevitable , and coming soon.

I am sharing everything, my home, my land, my stuff, my heart and my mind. I am writing songs again after a 20 year silence. Work no longer exists for me. Helping people is not work anymore, it is a pleasure and it is also an essential survival tactic for this community.

I will shutup now. I wish you well!

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Matthew is great. He is always willing to engage in debate and discussion. His energy is indomitable too.

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Never shut up and thank you a lot for your comment. Also for sharing what facet of self was hidden and is now discovered, inside the manifold aspects of your self. I also like hearing your path away from that and what you're doing now, where you intend to go. It sounds great and really, it's quite simple when you put it like you have.

Basically the opposite of what we had before, and what others wantonly wiped from memory so it could happen again to them. I gotta trailblaze a path away from that!

In the early stages of the plandemic, I made a scary observation after reading and listening to some excerpts of Political Ponelorogy by Andrew Lobaczewski. The pathology of evil, or sociopathy was being dredged up from very deep unconscious abysses within each individual's aspects of self. It appeared that the success of the plandemic's devastation was directly related to how much sociopathic behaviour could be dredged up within each person who was targeted in any way shape or form by the plandemic.

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Mate, as someone who has known you throughout the pandemic, just let me say this.

However confused you may feel internally, from the outside looking in, you have conducted yourself with integrity and have been true to yourself throughout the pandemic. Sometimes even a little too much so (remember my warnings to tone it down and not leave all of yourself in a corporate email?).

We've all lost so much through this pandemic, I could relate to so much of what you say. But you haven't lost yourself mate, far from it.

You've found your true self.

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Thanks champ!

It's such a hard process for me to go through. I'm currently sifting through the reams and piles of unfinished writings I started February 2020 so I can process them and publish them. Even if a lot of the subject matter is outdated or no longer breaking news, I can't just sit on them forever.

Infact, i'm finding tons of insights and ideas amongst all these old works; surprisingly they're still relevant with subject matter and information today. There's a big chunk of cultural creativity missing through the plandemic still and it's gotta be up to me and others to make sure the record/s of our suffering is out there.

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My studio space neighbour at the time that photo was taken saw what I was doing on my studio space walls and gave me a quote. She wrote out in calligraphy using ink and quill onto a fresh sheet of paper the following quote:

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

― Albert Einstein


..and I stuck that piece of paper onto my wall, carried it with me around the country, sticking it on many walls of my many rented bedrooms. Funny how I just remembered her sweet gesture then!

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a lovely comment from a friend on the hive blockchain:

"It's easy and desirable by our masters to demoralize and isolate us. Men that know themselves naturally attract followings, and demoralized men are questing for themselves. However, you demonstrate you know yourself by posting your essentials here. It is advisable to separate the wheat from the chaff of our quests, allow the knowledge of yourself simply to be, and quest for knowledge of what you must learn to cope with the challenges you must overcome.

There comes a realization, sooner or later, that herding sheep is the occupation of husbandmen, and running with a pack is the occupation of the free that will not be husbanded. Don't concern yourself with the opinions of sheep, but seek the council of your fellows, who will thrive by their powers of discernment and the application of their hands.

The truth is a lion, and needs no defense. Sharing it with sheep extracts the profit potential to your pack that can avail one another of useful understanding the coming egalitarian meritocracy will build on. Skip the waste of your time countering the commands of sheepdogs will inevitably prove to be, and cut straight to the chase of adopting independent means that are wealth and freedom.



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Wow I'm really enjoying your writing. I have written about Dieter Brummer a few times. His death hit hard and he has been erased from mainstream consciousness. My 'former life' ended when I saw the charges on building 7 flash and then the building fall neatly on it's own footprint. It has been a long, lonely 22 years but I never thought there would be so many people awake with me now. Ironically, it's not so lonely anymore. Old and young, black and white, the people see. The most astonishing and welcoming thing has been Muslim and Christian finally uniting against the evil sweeping the planet. Together? Together!

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