Well at least you're not banned (yet).

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You are absolutely correct about the job listings. Crisis actors, ASIO, CIA, NSA, they just signal their plans all there. I believe it is spiritual for them: they must show what they are going to do in order to clear themselves of karmic debt. Then, if people are stupid enough to ignore it or go along with it, their 'souls' are 'clean.' The face forward people do not even know this is happening, but the ones pulling the strings certainly do as they use the 'face forwards.'

Nice work mate. Maybe you and your new ladyfriend can go out for drinkypoos.

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I am with you, but it probably makes next to no difference, apart from the feeling that you and I are not alone.

Here, in the US, I have given up on politicians and legislation a long time ago:


Their illegitimacy is glaringly obvious.

Job listings over here are mostly in sick care and for enforcers.

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