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Message to all Polish Aussies from a Protesting West Aussie Pole

Perth, Supreme Court Gardens - December 2021. A few weeks before the final Workplace Vaccination Mandates kicked in..

This is a video clip I downloaded from Social media in December 2021. There was a large protest on at the Supreme Court Gardens and it was a very hot day. I didn't attend this rally as I'm pretty sure by this stage, I had already lost my job due to the WA workplace Vaccination mandates finally scalping my head.

I recall showing my mother and she got very angry, flew into a kind of panic and rage over hearing someone like her, but brave enough to speak out I guess. Listening back to this Polish Western Australian man's heartfelt advice & call to action to other Poles like him, it's easy for me to guess that his line about doing it for your children, your grandchildren would have been my mother's trigger point.

Why? Because at that moment she did nothing for her children or grandchildren. Neither did any of her children do anything (except for me).

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English Translation

Dear fellow Poles. In the year of 1985 I moved to Australia, to a free country.

I fled communist Poland, and terror. And today I protest against what is happening in Western Australia and throughout all of Australia. ictoria, New South Wales, Northern Territory. South Australia. Tasmania.

Everything its the same. It's a communist regime. There's nothing else you could compare it to. It's a total tyranny.

I'm speaking in English!

Forgive me. But I was supposed to speak Polish and because I was excited about it I didn't even realize it was said in English.

Countrymen, we must fight. There's not a day left to lose. It's already late. Well it's not too late, but as long as you haven't given up hope, come to every protest, wherever you are. Come and take part in the protests against tyrants.

Australia: You have to wake up. You need to wake up.

Those who remember Communism, those who remember Poland in Communist times.

There were thousands of them here, much like me, fleeing between the eighties and the nineties. You know exactly what this regime looks like. You know what that means.

Get out on the street, get out on the street and translate.. compare. Remind yourself. But there's no time to lose. It's already late.

If not for you, then for your children, for your grandchildren.

I could talk longer, but I think that's enough.


Kochani rodacy Polacy. in the year of 1985 prebyłem do Australii, do wolnego kraju.

Uczekałem z kommunisticznej Polski, I terroru.

I dzisaj protestujem precziwko temu co sie dzeje w Westerna Australia I wcałej Australi. Victoria, New South Wales, Northern Territory. South Australia. Tasmania.

Everything its the same. It's a communist regime. There's nothing else you could compare it to. It's a total tyranny.

I'm speaking in English!

Wybacz mnie. Ale miałem mowić po polsku a ponieważ śie eksituje za to I Po angielsku nawet nie zdawałem sobie sprawe.

Rodacy muszime walczicz. Nie ma dnia do stracenia. Jusz jest pózno. Jusz prawdo podobnie nie jest za pózno ale do puki nie stracziłęs nadzieji przycz do każdgo protestu, gdzie kolwiek jesteś. Przycz i wesz udzial w protestach przecziwko tyrani.

Australia: Muśiczie sie óbódzicć. Muśiczie sie óbódzicć.

Czi co pamiętają Kommunism, czi co pamiętają Polska w Kommunistycznych czasach.

Były ich tu tysiące, podobnie jak ja, uciekających między latami osiemdziesiątymi a dziewięćdziesiątymi. roku. W dokładnie wieczej jak wglonda ten reżim. Wiecie co to znacych.

Wyjdź sie na ulicę, wyjdź sie na ulicę i tłumacz.. porównójczie. Przypomnij sie. Nie ma ale chwili do stracenia. Jusz jest póżno.

Jak nie dla ciebie, zrup do dla swojiech dzieczie, dla swojiech wnoków

Mógłem mówic dłużęj ale, ale chyba w starczy.

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